3 Evernote Email Tricks You May Not Know

Each Evernote account has a unique Evernote email address that allows you to email notes directly to Evernote.  The address follows this pattern:


Your unique email address can be found by clicking on “Tools” and “Account Info” or by clicking “Settings” on your mobile device.

Desktop:                                                                                                      iPad

3 Email Tips:

1. Save your Evernote email address as a contact in your address book.  You’ll thank me later!
2. Email to a specific notebook. Emailed notes will go to your default notebook. However, you can email directly to a specific Evernote notebook by adding @+notebook name in the subject line (i.e. @ENG 8 Notes or @Personal).

3. Add tags to emails by using # in the subject line (i.e #Grammar or #Receipts).
So if you’re sending an email of your “Sentence Structure” notes to your “ENG 8 Notes” notebook and want to add a “grammar” tag to it, your subject line may look like this:
Sentence Structures @ENG 8 Notes #grammar
Have another Evernote Email tip to share? If so, leave it in the comment section.

3 thoughts on “3 Evernote Email Tricks You May Not Know

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